Elena Vasiou

Graduate Research Assistant

School Of Computing, University of Utah
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About Me

I am currently a graduate student at the University of Utah working with Cem Yuksel and Erik Brunvand as part of the Utah HardWare Ray Tracing group. Prior to joining the Ph.D. program at the U, I received a B.S. in Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science at Davidson College, NC . My research interests include hardware ray tracing, energy efficient graphics accelerators, real time graphics, physically based rendering, light transport algorithms.


Mach-RT: A many Chip Architecture for Ray Tracing
Elena Vasiou, Konstantin Shkurko, Erik Brunvand, Cem Yuksel
High Performace Graphics (Proceedings of HPG) , 2019.
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SimTRaX: Simulation Infrastructure for Exploring Thousands of Cores
Konstantin Shkurko, Tim Grant, Erik Brunvand, Daniel Kopta, Josef Spjut Elena Vasiou, Ian Mallett, Cem Yuksel
Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI) , 2018.
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SimTRaX: Simulation Infrastructure for Exploring Thousands of Cores
Konstantin Shkurko, Tim Grant, Erik Brunvand, Daniel Kopta, Josef Spjut Elena Vasiou, Ian Mallett, Cem Yuksel
Technical Report, School of Computing, University of Utah, UUCS-18-001, , 2018.
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A Detailed Study of Ray Tracing Performance: Render Time and Energy Cost
Elena Vasiou, Konstantin Shkurko, Ian Mallett, Erik Brunvand, Cem Yuksel
The Visual Computer (Proceedings of CGI) , 2018.
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