CS6620 - Ray Tracing for Graphics

Project 12 - Path Tracing

Duong Hoang


Intel Core i7-3610QM 2.3GHz (4 hardware cores, 8 with hyper-threading)
Nvidia GeForce GTX 660M / 2GB GDDR5 (does not matter)
Windows 8.1 Professional x64
Visual Studio 2013

Running on 8 threads, each works on a block of 8x8 pixels

Path tracing, 6 bounces
Running time: 816s (13m)

(Broken) Bi-directional path tracing, 6 bounces, slightly different scene
Running time: 980s (16m)
I'm having problems with area light sources and refractive objects not producing caustics. Also, the specular highlights are off here.